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I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world :) -Mother Teresa

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love <3

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    thanks to
    Layout: materialisti-c
    Inspirations: exquisite♥

    which baby are you ?? :)
    Date / Time : Thursday, November 26, 2009 / 8:02 PM


    Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth. Stubborn.

    Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexiest out of everyone. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest And loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt.  Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Horny. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous.  Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.

    Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate Shy and reserved. Secretive.  Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Great kisser. Easily angered.  Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness.  Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Observant and assesses others.

    Suave and compromising. Funny and humorous.  Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic.  Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does work well with others.  Very confidant. Sensitive. Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and others. Understanding. Fun to be around. Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive. Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and traveling. Systematic. Hot but has brains.

    Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children.  Hardworking. High-spirited.

    You've got the best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt and more than likely have an a very attractive partner. a wicked hottie. It is also more than likely that you have a massive record collection. You have a great choice in films, and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck, you've got the looks for it!!! .

    Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed.  Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable.  Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.  Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy at times.  Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets.  dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.

    Outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. No self-control. Kind hearted. Self-confident. Loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful. Easy to get along with and talk to. Has an "every thing's peachy" attitude. Likes talking and singing. Loves music. Daydreamer.  Easily distracted. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. Loves to be loved. Hates studying. in need of "that someone".  Longs for freedom. Rebellious when withheld or restricted. Lives by "no pain no gain" caring.  Always a suspect. Playful. Mysterious.  "charming" or "beautiful" to everyone. stubborn. curious. Independent.  Strong willed. A fighter.

    Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Usually you have many friends. Enjoys to make love. Emotional.  Stubborn.  Hasty.  Good memory. Moving, motivates oneself and others. Loves to travel and explore.  Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can understand.

    Loves to chat. Loves those who love them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly.  Brave and fearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions. Unpredictable.  Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all.

    Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at times.  Knows how to have fun. Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Meets new people easily and very social in a group. Fearless and independent.  Can hold their own. Stands out in a crowd. Essentially very smart. Usually, the greatest men are born in this month. If you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind.

    This straight-up means you are the most good-looking person possible... Better than all of these other months! Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitive in everything. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious.  Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to, though hard to understand. Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best.  Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Has that someone always on his/her mind. Talkative. Daydreamer.  Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding.  Able to show character. One guy/girl kind of person. Loveable. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves music. Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt.  Sensitive.


    cinta sejati
    Date / Time : Tuesday, November 24, 2009 / 6:00 PM
    puisi ini dibuat oleh seseorang yg ga gw tau ..

    Cinta itu seperti ulangan
    Ada PG, essay dan isian
    Cinta tidak seperti essay yg bisa dijelaskan dengan kata-kata
    Cinta tidak seperti PG yg punya banyak pilihan 
    Tapi cinta itu seperti isian yg hanya mempunyai 1 jawaban yang pasti

    tapi ada yg aneh


    Date / Time : Tuesday, November 17, 2009 / 8:49 PM
    yaa jd gw, fanny, dan karin td ntn 2012 di gading xxi
    hmm filmnya lumayan lah tp cukup lebay haha :)

    film ini terinspirasi dari ide peristiwa hari kiamat global yang barengan sama akhir putaran Kalender Hitungan Panjang Maya pada atau sekitar 21 Desember 2012(titik balik matahari musim dingin belahan Bumi utara).

    Di kota Tikal suku Maya di Guatemala, korban bunuh diri massal tampaknya mempercayai kalender Maya, yang meramalkan akhir dunia yang bersamaan dengan Kesejajaran Galaktik (seluruh planet jadi sejajar gtu sama matahari), yang terjadi pada 21 Desember 2012, tanggal terjadinya titik balik matahari musim dingin di belahan Bumi utara. IHC (Institute for Human Continuity), sebuah organisasi rahasia, menyadari situasi ini dan mulai membangun bahtera besar di bawah Pegunungan Himalaya yang dirancang untuk menghadapi banyak bencana alam untuk menyelamatkan manusia, spesies tertentu, dan harta manusia yang paling berharga ketika kiamat akhirnya terjadi. Ada perdebatan tentang bagaimana dan kapan pemerintah dunia akan memberitahu warga mereka, dan cara memilih orang-orang yang akan diselamatkan dari kiamat ini. Sementara itu, ketika sedang dalam perjalanan siang menuju Yellowstone dengan dua anaknya, Jackson bertemu Charlie Frost (Woody Harrelson), yang membawakan acara radionya sendiri tentang prediksi suku Maya terhadap 21 Desember 2012.

     mulai deh retakan di California dan itu DAHSYAT banget. si Jackson (tokoh utama) ga yakin sama apa yg pemerintah bilang klo smua tu baik2 aja. akhirnya dia beli pesawat gt. trus panjang gt deh ceritanya pkoknya dia bener2 super hoki banget dan kelewat beruntung banget akhirnya bisa sampe di Tibet itu. trus negara2 lain smuanya ancur juga gr2 gempa yg nyampe 10 SR dan gunung meletus yg bkin pergeseran bumi makin cepet aja smpe akhirnya kutub selatan ada di tengah2 bumi gt. pkoknya smua geser cepet bgd. nah krn itulah terjadi tsunami dari berbagai arah. ga ada lagi kesempatan buat hidup. 1 1nya itu naik bahtera
    tapi karena buat 1 orang yg mau naik bahtera itu harus bayar 1 juta euro, si jackson ga mampu. tapi lagi2 keberuntungan dateng terus akhirnya dia bisa masuk bahtera lewat bilik hidrolik.
    pas udah berhasil masuk lewat bilik itu, gerbang bahtera dibuka dan otomatis bilik2 berputar. nah itu serem gt deh si biksu kakinya copot. trus ada smacem pipa ato apapun itulah yg ngalangin si bilik muter yg nyebabin gerbang ga ktutup dan klo gerbang ga ktutup, mesin ga bs dinyalain. pas saat itulah tsunami dateng.dan otomatis air masuk ke bahtera (kan ga ketutup gerbangnya)
    tapi berkat si jackson itu, smua berhasil diselamatkan dan akhirnya orang2 di bahtera itu selamat ditambah bbrp hewan2 gtu (jerapah, gajah, badak, dll)
    trus stelah bbrp lama, gw gatau brp lama karena tahunnya tiba2 brubah jadi 0001, mereka mutusin buat tinggal di afrika yg ceritanya jadi benua yg paling tinggi krn pergeseran lempeng jadi ga ada lagi banjir2 di sana.
    ya bgitulah senangkep gw ceritanyaa

    munurut gw film ny bikin geregetan gt soalnya tu lg saat genting2nya (secara nyawa lu dan beribu2 orang tu udah terancem dan smua orang bergantung ma lu) tu orang  masih smpet2nya plukan dl, ngobrol dl, ciuman dl dll bzz
    dan gw rasa tu kluarga bner2 amat sangat beruntung sekali soalnya bisa selamet pdhl kyny klo secara nyata tu mustahil banget bisa ky gt
    efek sih bagus mnurut gw

    overall film ny seru2 aja trus bisa juga buat nambah pengetahuan geografi ahahah
    yaa tapi karena ini cuma film, gw ga percaya deh tentang 2012 itu

    these are some pics :)

    lebaykah ?

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    behind the smile
    Date / Time : Saturday, November 7, 2009 / 8:16 PM
    knp ya gw ngerasa sangat merindukan masa2 smp gw
    skrg ini keadaannya dah bner2 beda sama pas smp dulu dan gw sedih krn itu

    gw kangen ngedenger orang nyeletuk dtengah plajaran
    gw kangen ngumpul2 pas istirahat ma jessi nita amel nasya cathy liska
    gw kangen waktu kerja sama pas ulangan
    gw kangen diajarin fisika ma bu yo krn gw skrg ga ngerti apa2 fisika
    gw kangen jajan cakue ma jessi
    gw kangen latian nari ma anak2 apres nari
    gw kangen jaman2 gw masih ikut gloria dan gw bisa sering kluar plajaran
    gw kangen jd pmr pas upacara sama enji dkk
    gw kangen tuker2an tempat duduk yg akhirnya ketauan
    gw kangen curhat2an ma melinda
    gw kangen main biola diajarin pa endro
    gw kangen kerja kelompok dtmpat jessi trs beli kue bantal
    gw kangen ngeledekin gavin ma elena
    gw kangen waktu diajarin ngmg bhs prancis ma jeri sotoy
    gw kangen baca puisi gajelas tiap pelajaran lao shi
    gw kangen bikin dasi tiap hari
    gw kangen main kartu babi
    gw kangen kebaktian dmn gw bisa duduk ma 2 besties gw enji ma karin
    gw kangen ke wc rame2 trs foto2 pas ganti plajaran
    gw kangen pelajaran komp krn dsini hampir semua teori
    gw kangen krmh amel pulang sekolah
    gw kangen dikasih makanan gratis dari anak tabog
    gw kangen pelajaran desain ny pa hardian
    gw kangen ngmg nama anak yg sering banget absen ke pak uci
    gw kangen minjem buku di perpus ma enji
    gw kangen bisa santai tiap hari ga kaya skrg
    gw kangen ke bali
    dan gw kangen pas smp gw bs ktemu co gw tiap hari
    ada ga sih mesin waktu yg bisa ngirim gw balik ke masa lalu ?
    gw bner2 pingin balik ke masa itu

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